
Dowload alt1 toolkit for mac
Dowload alt1 toolkit for mac

Oceanarium, does the above PKGBUILD work for you? PIP_CONFIG_FILE=/dev/null pip install -isolated -root="$pkgdir" -ignore-installed -no-deps $_pkgname/dist/*.whlĬhange arch back to x86_64 because of the use of cython. Poetry config virtualenvs.create false -local Printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list -count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse -short HEAD)" Makedepends=('git' 'python-poetry' 'python-pip') I also took most of the dependencies from the pyproject.toml file from the master file, so I might have missed a few, though hopefully Ive got them all.ĭepends=('cython' 'pyside2' 'python-click' 'python-pillow' 'python-psutil' 'python-requests' 'python-sysv_ipc' 'python-xcffib') I didnt put quotes on the last 3 dependencies because I couldnt find them in the repositories. Patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver.patch"

dowload alt1 toolkit for mac

Source=('runekit::git:///whs/runekit.git') Pkgdesc="Alt1-compatible toolbox for RuneScape 3"ĭepends=('cython' 'libxcb' 'opencv' 'qt' 'poetry' 'pyside2' 'python-black' 'python2-click' 'python-pillow' 'python-psutil' 'python2-requests' 'python-sysv_ipc' 'python-xcffib' 'python-xlib' pyinstaller pyobjc-framework-quartz pyobjc-framework-applicationservices) The git page says that it has Mac OS functionality too, not just linux. It really helps a lot with doing clue scrolls in the game, like slide puzzles, but has a lot of other uses too. Theres so many of us that have been waiting for this to come out since we switched from Windows. If someone could do this that would be amazing. I was going to upload the PKGBUILD file that I mostly filled out to save someone time, but it doesnt seem you can even do that. I was hoping that someone here could do it. This package is not in the AUR, Ive been checking one a week for the last month.

#Dowload alt1 toolkit for mac how to

I tried to do it myself and I filled out most of the information but there was things that I didnt understand how to do, or how to find the information I needed.

dowload alt1 toolkit for mac

Someone in the comments said they would make an AUR, but its been about a month with no update.

dowload alt1 toolkit for mac

Hello, about a month ago someone on Reddit decided to make a linux version of the Alt1 overlay program for RuneScape called "RuneKit".

Dowload alt1 toolkit for mac